"Proposal for Bus Lines" is a speculative proposal to connect bus shelters from different cities and neighborhoods with a string like a tin-can telephone, transforming them into public instruments that can transfer the vibrations and presence of strangers.
As an installation, "Proposal for Bus Lines" consists of a graphite-drawn text at the bottom of the exterior wall, reading:
"To my left, an empty aluminum can rolls and clanks with conviction. To my right, streams of vehicles zip by, brushing my shoulders with delayed gusts. Rattling as if it were talking on the phone while walking, the can finally rests against the backdrop of the bustling city, facing me. At a standstill, with a white plastic bag drifting by, I silently stare at the empty can as though we were both waiting for a response. I picture the can as a tin can telephone. But before I could imagine a stranger on the other end of the string, the can had already rolled away, taken by the forces of the city as if it had somewhere else to go, and someone else to attend to."
Viewers were invited to walk and read the text around the exterior room as if walking in the story. At the end of the anecdote, a door appears, where viewers could then literally "walk into the imaginative space," to then be confronted by two maquettes in the dark, connected by a nylon string. The contrast between exterior and interior lighting required the viewer's eyes to adjust to the dim lighting inside as if the imaginary proposal had emerged from the darkness.
Materials: Aluminum, Wood, Plexiglass, LED Strip Lights, Nylon String, Spotlight, and Graphite